
Showing posts from June, 2016

Foto të reja të Çiljetës më gjoksin e zvogëluar, ja si duket tani (Foto)

Foto të reja të Çiljetës më gjoksin e zvogëluar, ja si duket tani (Foto) 1. July 2016 106 Këngëtarja Çiljeta Xhilaga, e cila njihet më shume për madhësinë e gjoksit sesa për këngët, vjen së fundmi me një imazh ndryshe. Flokët brune dhe gjoks shumë më të vogël, operacion që e ka bërë me dije ditë më parë. Me këtë pamje ajo duket seksi dhe super në formë dhe gati për të shijuar pushimet. Nuk dihet nëse djemtë do të tregojnë interes si më parë ndaj saj tani që zvogëloi gjoksin, por gjithsesi ajo mbetet një nga femrat me të bukura në Shqipëri. /mapo

The pound hit $1.50 for the first time since December on hopes that the UK has voted to remain in the European Union.

The pound hit $1.50 for the first time since December on hopes that the UK has voted to remain in the European Union. Sterling was given a boost after Leave campaigner Nigel Farage said it looked as though Remain had "edged" the vote. Last week the pound fell as low as $1.40 as traders tracked polls suggesting a flagging Remain campaign. Earlier the  FTSE 100  closed 1.2% higher to a two-month high of 6,338.1 points, with miners, banks and travel firms rising. Wall Street also jumped in late trading, with the Dow Jones  and S&P 500 both closing 1.3% higher. That was the best result for New York shares in a month, with the main measure of "fear" - the VIX volatility index - falling 18.5%, the biggest slide in six months. 'Dramatic' swings Peter Cardillo, at First Standard Financial in New York, said: "The markets are the best judge of what is going to happen, and they are saying that Britain will remain. "The key is the stro

Mrteonnews warnt vor hitzewelle

Meteonews warnt vor Hitzewelle Endlich ist der Sommer da! Bei Temperaturen über 30 Grad will sich manch einer im kühlen Nass erfrischen. Doch die Gewässer sind teils weiterhin eisig kalt. Lange hat er auf sich warten lassen, doch am Donnerstag gibt der Sommer alles, was er zu bieten hat: Die Sonne strahlt bei Temperaturen von bis zu 35 Grad. Bereits konnten erste Regionen eine Tropennacht verzeichnen, doch im Laufe des Tages klettert das Quecksilber nochmals steil bergauf. Für das Mittelland, die Region Basel, das Rhonegebiet und das Südtessin hat Meteonews eine Wetterwarnung wegen der Hitzewelle herausgegeben. Am wärmsten wird es laut Roger Perret von Meteonews wieder im Wallis, wo lokal 34 bis 35 Grad erreicht werden, sowie im Rheintal und in der Region Basel. Bereits am Morgen sei es im Baselbiet rund 27 Grad warm gewesen, so Perret. Haben Sie etwas Aussergewöhnliches oder Spektakuläres gesehen? Waren Sie Augenzeuge eines Moments mit News-Wert?  Dann werden Sie  Leser-R

Electric car sets world acceleration record

The grimsel car has helped its creators dominate this year's student racing competition An electric racing car built by Swiss student engineers has broken the world record for acceleration by battery-powered vehicles. The grimsel car took only 1.513 seconds to reach 100kph (62mph) - slashing about a quarter of a second off the previous record time. So far, no petrol-powered production car has managed to hit the same speed in a comparable time. The grimsel needed only 30m (98ft) of track to reach the landmark speed. The previous record of 0-100kph in 1.779 seconds was set by a team from the University of Stuttgart last year. By comparison, the fastest production vehicle, the Porsche 918 Spyder hybrid, takes 2.2 seconds to reach the same speed. The car has been built and refined over the last year by 30 students studying at ETH Zurich (ETZ) and Lucerne's University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Almost all of c

The international language of watermelon knocking

The humble watermelon. The epitome of summer. But how do you know if it's perfectly ripe? Well, one theory is that if you knock hard on the outside, the sound you hear will help determine if it's ready to eat. That theory lead to a huge online debate in China about what kind of people engaged in the art of 'watermelon knocking'? The discussion, which thousands of people contributed to on the Chinese micro blogging site Sina Weibo, was kicked off by an obscure event thousands of miles away in Italy. It all began when a Chinese social media user posted the picture below of a sign in an Italian supermarket asking customers not to knock on the watermelons. The sign was stuck in a crate full of watermelons which read: "please stop knocking on the watermelons, they will not respond to it!" There is no indication that the supermarket was targeting this message at customers with Chinese heritage. The s

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has said his country's latest missile tests show it has "the sure capability to attack US interests"

< div class="story-body__introduction" style="background-color: white; border: 0px; color: #404040; font-family: Helmet, Freesans, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1rem; font-stretch: inherit; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1.375; margin-top: 24px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"> North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has said his country's latest missile tests show it has "the sure capability to attack US interests" . Mr Kim was speaking after twin tests on Wednesday, believed to be of the mid-range Musudan missile. The US and South Korea say the first test failed, but the second travelled about 400km (250 miles) and reached an altitude of 1,000km. The UN Security Council is holding an emergency meeting in response. A spokesman for Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said the tests were "a deliberate and very grave violation" of North Korea's international o

Manila shakes up for city-wide earthquake drill

Manila shakes up for city-wide earthquake drill From the sectio The Philippine capital Manila had held its second annual ShakeDrill, in an attempt to prepare residents for a potential future earthquake. At 09:00 (01:00 GMT) across Manila, radio stations, companies, churches and schools sounded the earthquake alarm, signalling the start of the drill